A Terrorist is Without Pity, Whose Only Purpose is to Destroy
The founder of Russian Anarchism, Michael Bakunin and his disciple Nechayev define an “ideal” terrorist in this way: The whole work of his [a revolutionist’s] existence, not only in words, but also in deeds, is at war with the existing order of society, and with the whole so-called civilized world, with its laws, morals and […]
Terrorist Methods and Diseased Psychology
The concept of terror has a wider meaning in today’s language. Generally it refers to the armed conflict carried on by radical ideological groups. In general, terror means intimidation. But this intimidation encompasses a broad field including the whole lives of people who feel the intense threat of fear and violence. Terror includes intense and […]
Denouncing People as Unbelievers
This ruthless spirit of dissention considers shedding the blood of the innocent as an “act of worship”, it refuses to grant the right to life for those who do not adhere to their own understanding of faith and it causes the spread of this sedition which incessantly sheds blood in the Islamic countries. One of […]
The Bedouin Character in the Qur’an
In the period of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), there existed two basic social structures in Arabia. City-dwellers and Bedouins (desert Arabs). A sophisticated culture prevailed in Arab towns. Commercial relations linked the towns to the outer world, which contributed to the formation of good manners among Arabs dwelling in cities. They had refined aesthetic values, […]
Crusaders: Barbarians Who Trampled Their Own Religion
As mentioned earlier, the true message of a religion or a system of belief can be at times distorted by its own pseudo-adherents. The Crusaders, whose period constitutes a dark episode in Christian history, are an example of this type of distortion. The Crusaders were European Christians who undertook expeditions from the end of the […]